Saturday, September 29, 2012

Making sure your blog is found by search engines in three easy steps

3:05 AM Posted by Basith , No comments

blogger tip 2013
You have created a brilliant blog with amazing articles. But you don't have a large number of visitors visiting the blog.

With this simple steps in blogger, you can make your blog search engine friendly and increase the number of visitors to your blog.

   1. Add a Meta tag

The meta tag is extremely important, as it gives a brief description your website in the search engine results.
Blogger has an in built option to add a meta tag.

How to add a meta tag in Blogger? 
Go you blog  Settings  ›  Search preferences

Select the Yes option for Enable search option
Add a proper description for your blog in the text box provided and click the Save Button.

  2. Add a title and alt attributes to images

It is rightly said that "An image is worth thousand words"

Title tag: When a user hovers his mouse pointer, the text given in the title tag is showed to the user.
Alt tag :  When an image is not displayed in an web page, the text given in the alt tag is showed to the user. 

How to add title and alt attributes to images in Blogger?
After you add an image in your blog post, click on the image and select properties. 
Now add suitable text inside the text boxes provided for alt and title tags.

Example: Consider the image below:

The  value of the title text and alt text boxes are given below:


  3. Submit your blog to search engines

The primary source of traffic for any site are search engines. You need to submit your website or blog to various search engines.

Click on the respective links to add your blog to that particular search engine



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